Over 16 000 orienteers to Jukola

– Second highest number of registered orienteers in the Jukola history

Over 16 000 orienteers have registered to Jämsä-Jukola. This is the second highest number of registered orienteers in the Jukola history. Only in last year’s Valio-Jukola in Vantaa, located in the greater metropolitan area of Helsinki–Finland’s capital and largest city–the participant number was higher. 

Teams from 22 different countries are coming to Jukola.  Most participants in addition to Finland, are from the neighbouring countries Sweden, Norway and Russia, but there are teams coming from all the way from Australia and USA as well.

Registration summary now that the registration has ended is following. There will be 2 857 participating teams in total of which 1 236 are Venla teams and 1 621 Jukola teams. This means that there are in total 16 291 orienteers of which 4 944 race in the Venla teams and 11 347 in the Jukola teams.


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