A new home was found for Viertolan Härkä -prize

Competition between Kalevan Rasti and Halden SK was finally solved. Kalevan Rasti won the relay second time in a row: The team had ten points more than the Norwegian before Jämsä-Jukola. Mika Tulonen, the representative of Helsingin Sanomat -newspaper, gave the prize to the team that is from Joensuu.

They competed for the prize for seven years, since 2007. During these seven years the team that has succeeded the best among the association has got points. The regulations have determined the points: the winner has got 25 points, the second 20 points etc. You can have a look in the regulations here. The team, who has the highest sum of five best points, gets the Viertolan Härkä -prize after seven competitions.

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