The Finnish Air Force and Jukola

The Finnish Defence Forces has been the main partner of the Jukola Relay for as long as ten years. In the first Jukola there were 41 teams and now, 66 years later, there are almost 3000 taems taking part in Jukola.


In Kuopio-Jukola 2014 plenty of volunteers will be needed, but without the Finnish Defence Forces it would be almost impossible to organize such a big event, says Jouko Kaihua, the competition manager.

The positive publicity of the Jukola Relay is significant, says Kari Salmi from the Defence Forces. We want to support this orienteering event because these skills and promoting good condition are very important for the performance of the Defence Forces. Every soldier needs basic orienteering skills to be able to move around in different weather conditions. We want to encourage people to move and take care of their condition, and we also encourage our personnel to take part in Jukola. The Finnish Defence Forces are the biggest training centre in this country!

An agreement on co-operation between the Finnish Air Force and Kuopio-Jukola 2014 was signed in Tikkakoski. Karjalan Lennosto will be the unit responsible for the project. The support from the Air Force is remarkable, both financially and in providing services. They will also display their equipment and operations at the event.

–  We truly appreciate the role of the Defence Forces in Jukola, says Jouko Kaihua. Their support to the world’s biggest orienteering relay competition is remarkable.

Asiakirjat vaihtavat omistajaa. Henkilöstöpäällikkö eversti Pasi Hakala (vas), esikuntapäällikkö prikaatikenraali Kari Salmi, kilpailunjohtaja Jouko Kaihua ja KuoSun puheenjohtaja Timo Suhonen.

An agreement on co-operation between the Finnish Air Force and Kuopio-Jukola 2014 was signed.


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