It’ll be a long night

Presidentti Sauli Niinistö viihtyi Jukolassa.

President Niinistö enjoys himself in jukola

President Sauli Niinistö visited the Media Centre of Kuopio-Jukola on Saturday night. There  he answered the journalists´ questions.

–  Of course one can exercise in many different ways but running in the forest is the best! This is the advice I got from a sports physician. It´s best for your feet.

The good-humoured president said that he usually follows the Jukola relay on TV. This time he´s in Vehmersalmi and intends to enjoy the atmosphere through the  night.
– You easily get hooked on the Jukola relay, the president says.

President Niinistö has never run in the Jukola relay. If he was to run in it some day, he would hope to run the shortest and flattest leg.
– I have tried orienteering but unfortunately not very successfully. I tend to be a bit hasty. Especially when I was younger, I  often went to a totally wrong direction, Niinistö laughed.

The journalists also asked when was the last time the president slept in a tent.
– Not very recently, he answered.

And where are the president and his wife going to spend the Jukola night?
– Who in their right mind would go to a hotel, he said.

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