The patron of Kuopio-Jukola, President Sauli Niinistö and his spouse Mrs. Jenni Haukio will take part in the event. Words of greeting by President Niinistö will be heard at the Jukola ceremony on Saturday evening.

Sauli Niinistö, the President of the Republic of Finland. Photo: Copyright © The Office of the President of the Republic of Finland.
The delegation of Kuopio-Jukola visited President Niinistö and asked him to be the patron of Kuopio-Jukola before Christmas. In the delegation there were the seven brothers of Jukola and maiden Venla representing Kaukametsäläiset, the background organization of the Jukola Relay, The Finnsih Orienteering Federation, Kuopio-Jukola, Kuopion Suunnistajat orienteering club, the City of Kuopio and the local landowners. The President was willing to arrive at Kuopio-Jukola if not prevented by his other duties.
The Jukola Relay is an important event in the Finnish summer. The competitors, audience and organizers are happy to be honoured by the pesence of the presidential couple. We wish them warmly welcome!

President Sauli Niinistö meets the delegation of Kuopio-Jukola. Photo: Copyright © The Office of the President of the Republic of Finland