Youth Jukola is an international orienteering relay competition with seven legs aimed primarily for club teams. Different legs have different restrictions for competitors as presented in the section “Legs and course lengths”. A combined team may be formed by clubs, which would not otherwise, could build a team. A combined team can be assembled from school pupils and students of one municipality or among members of one youth organization. If an orienteering club member attends school or youth team, they must present permission from their club.
All the age and gender restrictions are applied even to combined teams with the exception that the for these teams a girl is allowed to run the seventh leg. The organizer will also form combined teams from the individual competitors registered in the Runners Bank.
The competition is organized by Mynämäen Suunnistajat-52 in co-operation with the Finnish Orienteering Federation (SSL) and Kaukametsäläiset (Jukola founding organization). The rules of the Finnish Orienteering Federation (SSL), rules of the Youth Jukola and the regulations and instructions given by the organizer are applied.
Race will take place on Saturday, August 18, 2012 at 11.00 am.
Main Officers
Patron Jarkko Nieminen
Competition Director Asko Vainio 0400-535928 asko.vainio(at)
Controller (TA) Ilkka Saarimäki, SSL 050-5589535
Course Controller Jukka Suominen
Secretary General Petteri Suominen 041-5244169 nuju2012(at)
Main Course Setter Jarmo Jokila 040-5523862 jj.jokila(at)
Result Service Timo Kokko 050-5849941 timo.kokko(at)
GPS-tracking Marko Suuronen 040-7340521
Entries Timo Kokko 050-5849941 timo.kokko(at)
Website Tomi Tasanen 0500-760285 tomi.tasanen(at)
Finish Line Referee Heikki Stenberg 040-8683105 heikki.stenberg(at)
Competition Centre Ari Salonen 050-5878915 arijaeijasalonen(at)
Ceremonies Susanna Hänti 050-5557318 susanna.hanti(at)
Restaurant Eija Salonen 050-4019337 arijaeijasalonen(at)
Hannele Tuomola 050-5499375 tuomolat(at)
Physician Olli Heinonen 040-5865157
First Aid Mynämäki Red Cross
Media Tero Lehto 050-3485098 terolehto(at)
Info Tero Lehto 050-3485098 terolehto(at)
Accomodation Matti Sipilä 0500-812792
VIP Olli Mäkipää 0400-782890 olli.makipaa(at)
Eija Koskivaara
Security Antti Koivuniemi
Jury chair Jyrki Lammila
Members Veijo Viitanen
Janne Kallioniemi
Locations, addresses, road signs and parking
The competition center is Vehmaa Sports Park. The navigation address of the CC : Seuralantie, Vehmaa. The road signs are from the road 194 by the Vehmaa Church. The road signs are set up on Friday 17 August 2012 at 5 pm.
Accomodation is at Vinkkilä School. The navigation address of the accommodation: Vinkkiläntie 27 23200 Vinkkilä. Road signs from the road 194.
Two near-by fields (100-200m) are used for parking. In case of heavy rain, road sides are used for parking. In such a case distance to CC will be longer. The buses are parked on a near-by school yard and church parking place (400-500m).
The information office is located at the accommodation on Friday 17 August, 2012 between 16-22 pm. (Navigation address: Vinkkiläntie 27 23200 Vinkkilä). From the accommodation, there is 2,7 km to the CC. On Saturday 18 August, the information office is situated in CC and open from 8 am to 5.30 pm. The competition material (bibs and such) are handed out only if all the fees are paid.
Accomodation, evening snack and breakfast
The accommodation is at Vinkkilä School. The navigation address: Vinkkiläntie 27, 23200 Vinkkilä. The doors are opened on Friday at 6 pm and the premises must be empty on Saturday at 11 am. The accommodation has its own house rules which must be followed. From the accommodation, there is 2.7 km to the competition center. The preordered evening snacks are served between 7 and 10 pm. The breakfast is served at the accommodation between 8 and 10 am. If any additional orders have been made which are not paid, they can be paid at the information office in cash.
Printed, six-colored orientering map 7/2012 (Raimo Jalonen), scale 1:10 000, contour interval 2.5 m. The map is in size A4 and in plastic map case. The returned maps are in size A3. The only old map from the area is from 1978 and it can be seen on the competition website and on the information wall at the competition centre.
The map (A3) can be bought at the information office after the restart for legs 2-7 at 3.10 pm. The price is 5 € / map.
The Youth Jukola terrain is rapakivi base rock area. As it is a local centre for sports, there is jogging track and a longer ski track base with a little trail on it. There are few other trails and paths. The forest has been taken a good care of and it is a mixture of deciduous and coniferous trees. The age of the forest varies from the newly logged to old forest. The summer has been exceptionally moist and because of this, the thickets are very rampant.
The whole terrain is runnable and in some places very runnable. There are few larger hills and that is why the height differences are moderate, 35 m at most. Total height difference is surprisingly high 40-200 m. The open rock bottom might be slippery if it is raining.
The road, jogging track and the clear boundaries of loggings and saplings are great support for the youngest competitors on legs 3 and 4. On the other hand, open rock bottom hills which are very detailed together with slopes and young, dense forests offer challenge for even older orienteers . All competitors cross a road with occasional traffic twice. Be careful.
There is possibly a crossing of a field and there a marked route must be followed.
Start and starting point, marked routes
Start is located at western side of the sports field on the running track. Starting point and the marked route there are marked on the map. When entering the forest from the starting point, the competitors must cross a ditch at the outline of the field. The starting point is located 190 m from start, 120 m from the changeover area and 280 m from the timing point.
Controls are marked with orange-white flags. The model control is situated near the ‘Emit In’ tent. There is a public control in the competition centre on legs 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7 which is located near the flag poles.
Online-information is available from several controls on every leg.
Control Descriptions
Pictorial control descriptions, which are printed on the competition map, are used in this competition. There are lots of controls near each other in the forest- remember to check the control code! Besides the control descriptions, the control codes are printed on the map next to the control number (e.g. 1-31). If you use an Emit-card with a display, note that the Emit-code of the control unit may not correspond to the control code.
There are lots of controls near each other in the forest- remember to check the control code on every control!
Legs and course lengths
The course lengths include marked route 260 m on leg 1, and 360 m on legs 2-7. The forking is used on all legs except the fifth.
Forbidden areas
Fields marked on the maps with cultivated land (ISOM 2000 415) are forbidden areas. The only exception is a possible crossing of such field. In such case, the marked route must be followed.
One area of saplings is marked in the forest with red and yellow striped plastic tape. This area must be passed along the road. Also, there are two summer cottages bounded to forest marked in similar way. Guiding tapes are used to mark entry and leaving of the public control.
Area for team coaches during 3rd and 4th leg
On the left side of the marked route to the starting point, in the north-eastern corner of the sports field is an area for team coaches. On third and fourth leg the coaches are allowed to help orienteers to plan their routes. Entry to this area is only allowed with coach-card which is in the club material.
Competition numbers
The number bibs will be used on all legs. Each leg has its own colour as defined by the host of the leg, the last leg being yellow as usual. The bib must be attached on the chest of the shirt in a way that it is clearly visible. Take your own safety pins! The numbering of teams is based on the placing of the 2011 relay. However, team numbers marked with an asterisk (*) are not based on last year’s results. Combined teams are marked with the letter Y, also the teams with a girl running the last leg are marked with Y. Team and leg numbers and sponsor logos must not be folded up or hidden. The bar code has to remain undamaged until it has been read at competitors’ check-in and information is transferred to the result service system.
Electronic punching system (Emit) is used in the competition. Control slips will be delivered with the team material. Each competitor shall write the team number, leg and his/her Emit card number in the control slip. Emit cards will be registered into the result system and cleared as the runners enter the changeover area. Each team must have at least three (3) Emit cards in use. The same Emit card must not be used on two consecutive legs and neither by two different teams.
If a competitor’s own Emit card does not work as he/she enters the changeover area, the organizers will lend a functioning card. Also, if a competitor starting in the mass start has his/her card still in use by an earlier leg’s runner, the competitor can borrow a card from the organizers.
Team material
The team material is handed over to the clubs at the Competition Info on Friday, August 17 between 4 pm and 10 pm, and on Saturday, August 18 in the morning from 8 am onwards. Only the clubs that have fully paid all their entry fees will receive the team material, which includes, among others, number bibs without safety pins (own pins are used), bulletin, map return ticket, coach card, rented Emit cards (if ordered) and Emit control slips. The competitors can keep the number bibs after the competition. A representative of the club confirms the receipt of the rented Emit cards by signature. The organizer will charge 80€ for each non-returned Emit card
Start list
The final start list can be seen on the web site of the event on Thursday August 16 4 pm and on the result board at the competition centre.
Team compositions
Team compositions must be registered not later than on Friday, August 17 by 6 pm. The team composition can be registered on the web page or by filling in a form available at the Competition Info.
Changes in the team composition, caused by some unavoidable reason that occurs after the dead-line of registration, shall be announced to the Competition Info on Saturday by 9.30 am at the latest. The Competition Controller will either approve or reject the changes after considering the presented reasons.
The registration and clearing of the first leg runners’ Emit cards will start at 10.30 am and end at 10.50 am. After registration and clearing, the competitors shall move to the warm-up area. The competitors will go to the maps according to the instructions given by the announcer. The start will be indicated by a shot of a start gun. The start will be videotaped, and teams making a false start or causing one will be disqualified. Remember that directly after the starting point, there is a ditch crossing.
The runners on legs 2-7 shall come to Emit card registration and clearing well in advance of the estimated changeover time, and then enter the changeover area. The warm-up area is the part of the sports field which is left behind changeover bar– leave the route for the runners free. There is couple of toilets in the change-over area. From the last control, the competitors must run to the changeover according to signs and marked routes. All runners must punch at the finish line. Notice that it is only 80 m from the last control to the finish line.
After the finish line, each incoming competitor hands over his/her unfolded map to the officials and then continues to the map stand along the marked route. The runner coming to the changeover picks up the map with his/her team’s number and hands it over to the next leg’s competitor waiting at the changeover bar. Make sure that you take your own team’s and right leg’s map! A team that has taken a wrong map will be disqualified. If your map has been taken by some other team, immediately turn to the changeover official who will give you a spare map (no time compensation will be granted).
After the changeover, the runner shall visit the Emit checkpoint (‘Emit OUT’ tent), and then leave the finish area. If there are any unclarities with punches, the checkpoint officials will settle them immediately. The changeover area will be closed at 3 pm sharp. After this, the runners coming to changeover will be guided straight to the Emit checkpoint as they have punched at the finish line.
There is a marked route to the finish from the last control of the final leg. The finishing order will be determined according to the crossing of the finish line. If there are several teams on the finish line at the same time, the finishing order will be decided by the Finishing Line Referee for the teams placing 1-40. The finish time will be determined according to the finishing punch made immediately after crossing the finish line. Finally, the competitor shall visit the Emit checkpoint. Finish will be closed at 5.30 pm.
Demonstration of the start, changeover and finishing routines
The demonstration will take place at 10.20 am by model runners and the announcer.
Restart for legs 2-7
Runners participating in the restart shall register and clear their Emit cards in ‘Emit IN’ tent and enter the changeover area not later than 3 pm. The changeover will be closed at 3.30 pm after which the changeover bar will be opened and all the runners participating in the restart can go to their own map. The restart takes place at 3.40 pm according to the instructions given by the announcer.
If there are any unclarities with punches, the Emit checkpoint officials will settle them with the competitor immediately. If necessary, the coach of the team will be consulted. Disqualifications are not confirmed before that.
Drop-out competitors come to changeover and finish as usual: take the map to the next leg competitor at the waiting bar. Drop-out shall be announced at the ‘Emit out’ tent. If the competitor comes to the competition centre without running through the finish or changeover, he/she must visit the ‘Emit out’ tent to announce the drop-out and give his/her map to the staff.
Drop-out or disqualified teams can continue the relay to the finish. However, if a drop-out or disqualified team is less than a half an hour behind the leading team, its relay will be interrupted and the next runner can start when a half an hour has passed since the leading team’s changeover. The next map of the team will be replaced by a form indicating the colour of the leg, the team number and the earliest possible time when the team can continue its relay. The incoming runner takes the form and brings it to the next runner waiting at the bar. The runner receiving the form will get a spare map from the staff by returning the form.
GPS follow-up
In legs 2, 5 and 7 there is a GPS follow-up. The teams indicated by the organizers must carry the GPS device given by the staff. The wearing of the GPS-device and the west takes place in the ‘Emit IN’ tent. The runners on the 2nd leg may come to get their devices immediately after the start.
2nd leg: GPS-devices are given to the teams indicated on the web-site just before the event
5th leg: GPS-devices are given to the teams who were among the best 17 teams after the 2nd leg
7th leg: GPS-devices are given to the teams who were among the best 17 teams after the 5th leg
The follow-up is shown on the monitors in a separate tent in competition centre. During the follow-up, live broadcast from the terrain is tested. The follow-up can also be found from the competition website by following the links.
Runner bank
Registration to the Runner Bank can be made on the web page of the event via the link ‘Runner Bank’, or latest getting a form from the Competition Info and filling it in and returning it to the competition centre latest on Saturday, August 18, 2012 at 9.50 am. You can reserve the runners from the Runner Bank only by web access. More detailed instructions are available in the Runner Bank, in ‘Search from Runner Bank’. To contact a runner/a team is made by phone and by registering the found runner or team in the Runner Bank.
The runners will be allocated to the Runner Bank teams by the Competition Info after 9.50 am. on Saturday Aug 21. There will be teams with runners only on the first legs. For example, if there are runners for the legs 1, 2, 3 and 4, but no runners for the legs 5, 6 and 7, the 1st leg runner will start normally at the start at 11 am and the legs 1-4 will be run normally.
In case a runner does not get a match with a team in the Runner Bank, she/he can start at the restart. The runners are allocated to the teams on Saturday, August 18, by 10.20 am. Each runner of the Runner Bank, whether running in a team or individually at the restart, shall pay a rounded participation fee of 12€ for one leg in cash to the competition info. The leg material for the runner is given from the competition info as the fee has been paid. In case some of the runners in a Runner Bank team will not fetch their leg material, the team can run the relay in the normal way until the leg of the missing runner, and the rest of the runners will start in the restart.
The runners and vacancies in the Runner Bank are presented in the information office on Saturday morning. It is possible reserve vacant runners until 9.50 am. After that, the Runner Bank –teams are formed.
It is recommendable that the runners and their coaches in such Runners Bank –teams which start in normal way (not in restart), would gather near the information office where their team number is shown, so that the team members can make acquaintances. Remember to wear your bibs!
If a regular team becomes a combination team, the information office must be informed about this no later than Saturday, August 18, 9.50 am by a team composition form.
Dressing, showers and toilets
Dressing rooms and showers are outdoors near main building of the competition centre; please see the map for the competition centre area. Toilets are located on the west side of the competition centre. There are also toilets in the warm-up area.
First aid
There is a first aid station with a doctor at the competition centre. See the location on the map of the competition centre.
Prize-giving ceremonies
The 15 best club teams will be awarded The Youth Jukola medals. The best seven teams will also receive special prizes. The winning team receives a trophy for one year and a scale model of it.
The 15 best teams will be asked to arrive to the prize-giving at 3.20 pm according to the instructions given by the announcer. The seven best teams gather to “stair” stand. Other eight teams gather near the sauna building. The prize-giving ceremony will start at 3.30 pm. After this, the rewarded teams will be asked to enter the terrace of sauna building uphill from the stairs in reverse order according to the instructions of the announcer and the organizers. After the prize-giving the seven best teams will return to their own places to be available for the photograph after the whole ceremony. The best combined team will also be rewarded, but the combined teams will not be entitled to The Youth Jukola medals or the special prizes. In addition, the best II team and III team will get a prize.
Returning of maps and Route Gadget
The distribution of competition maps will start at the Competition Info after the restart at 3.10 pm. The map return card can be found in the club material. Each runner will get her/his own map and a map with all the controls.
The Youth Jukola Route Gadget will be opened on Sunday on the Internet. All the runners are kindly requested to draw their route in the Route Gadget.
Jarkko Nieminen wants to support the young athletes of the organizing club by donating prizes for a lottery.
The lottery is put in practice by the clubs young orienteers guided by Susanna Hänti.
The lottery works so that the lottery ticket buyer instantly gets to know whether or not he or she has won something. The lottery tickets are sold in the competition centre. They cost 5€ for a lot and 10 € for three lots.
Lottery tickets can be checked and possible prizes obtained from the lottery ticket selling stand.
The grand prize of the lottery is a tennis racket signed by Jarkko Nieminen. The grand prize will be drawn during the prize giving ceremonies among all the lottery ticket buyers. So remember to spare your otherwise non-winning tickets until this.
Other prizes include for instance 64 biographies, “Pelaamisen Lumo” of Jarkko Nieminen and high quality sporting equipment.
Almost every third lot wins (100 lots and 30 prizes). The total sum of the prizes is over 3000€.
There are sport shops in the competition centre.
The restaurant is selling a variety of delicious products.
Open fire and smoking are absolutely forbidden in the competition centre. There will be adolescent, skilled in languages officials moving in the terrain with yellow safety vests. The competitors may ask these persons for help if needed.
Club tents
Club tents can be erected at tent areas only in the places indicated by the officials. The map for the club tent area will be publishes on the web site and on the notice board. All the club tents will be located in the grassy areas.
Youth Jukola training packages are presented on the competition website. /en/harjoitusmahdollisuudet/
Model event (starting Friday August 17 5 pm) maps can be purchased and pre-ordered maps can be obtained from the information office on Friday starting 4 pm and on the Saturday morning. The model event is located 5 km from the accommodation. Navigation instructions: Crossing of the Kiimkalliontie 30m from the crossing of the Seuralantie in competition centre towards the accommodation.
There are three different long tracks with forking. The controls are equipped with flags and control codes. Start and finish are situated on the yard of a private farm. Please, be tidy. There is enough room for busses to turn around.
Lost and found belongings are taken care of the information office.
The organizer may complete and specify these instructions if necessary. The final instructions are published on the information wall at the competition centre, on the event website and if necessary distributed in team material.
Good luck in the competition and joyful visits to controls!
Mynämäen Suunnistajat-52