
Fri 23.8.2013

16.00 – 22.00 Information office open

16.00 Distribution of competition material from information office begins

16.00-22.00 Club tents can be erected in CC (marked plots)

18.00 Deadline for registration of team compositions in jukola.com or by form of Information office

Sat 24.8.2013

08.00 Competition centre is opened.

08.00 – 17.30 Information office open

08.00 Distribution of competition material from information office begins

10.30 Opening ceremonies

10.45 Demonstration of start, changeover and finish procedures

10.50 – 11.20 Registration for first leg

11.30 Start ot the relay

15.20 Registration fot changeover is closed

15.20 Changeover is closed

15.30 Restart

15.40 Maps are returned

15.20 The teams to be awarded gather

15.30 Prizegiving ceremonies

18.00 Finish is closed

18.00 Competition centre is closed