Course-setters statement

Course-setters comments

The external circumstances for the Youth Jukola are very good. There is only one land-owner – the city of Raseborg. The terrain is fast and the visibility is good, even if grass and ground vegetation has grown more than usually this rainy summer. The height differences, a dense network of paths and skiing tracks enable different route choices on the courses. Due to this, there have not been any problems to create courses with different level of difficulty.

The biggest challenge for the course-setter has been the decision to have a spectator control on almost every leg which gives many control points and quite a few self-crossing courses. Check therefore carefully that you take the controls in correct order!

Close to the spectator control there is a cliff that can be dangerous, especially if it’s rainy. The cliff is sealed off with a continuous ribbon and ‘Dangerous area’ -signs.

Even this year there is a short jogging track near the arena where you can get familiar with the electronic punching system. Seize the opportunity!

I hope that it is going to be a fun and exciting day, for both competitors and for the supporters!

Sune Forsström

Main course-setter



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