

12.8. Modifications marked in red.

Youth Jukola is an international orienteering relay of 7 legs for young orienteers. The team consists of both girls and boys.


Leg, age, level of difficulty, and course lengths:

Leg Year of birth Level of difficulty Course length
1. -M/W16 Year -00 or later M/W14 4,3 km
2. -M/W16 Year -00 or later M/WD14 3,9 km
3. -W14 Year -02 or later W12 2,5-2,6 km
4. -M/W14 Year -02 or later M/W12 2,5-2,6 km
5. -W16 Year -00 or later W14 3,5 km
6. -W18 Year -98 or later W16 4,7-4,8 km
7. -M18 Year -98 or later M16 5,9-6,0 km

All legs include guidance for approx. 500 m. Forking is used on all legs, except on the 5th leg.



The competition starts at 11.30 a.m. with a mass start.The winner is expected to finish at 2.40 p.m.


Competition rules

The competition rules of the Finnish Orienteering Federation (FOF), the organization instruction of Youth Jukola, and instructions given by the organizers must be followed. The use of spike shoes is prohibited. However, dobb spiked shoes are allowed.


GPS tracking

The organizer has reserved GPS tracking devices for the top teams of the relay for follow-up during the competition on legs 2, 5 and 7. If a team refuses to carry GPS tracking devices, the team will be disqualified from the competition. Own GPS tracking devices are allowed. Specific instructions for using the GPS devices can be found on the organizer’s website.



The contest is primarily aimed at club teams. Clubs that can’t put together their own relay team may form combination teams. Students from schools or youth organizations can also form teams. Runners from an orienteering association participating in a school or youth organization teams must ask permission from their own association. The team composition needs to be made according to the table presented above (leg and age) except for combination teams where girls may also run the 7th leg. Furthermore, the organizer forms combined teams of runners signed up for the orienteer pool. Combination teams are not eligible for prices.



The registration for the relay opens on June 23rd and ends on August 7th, 2016 at midnight.
You can register your team on the website:


Late registration

Late entries will be accepted until midnight on August 14th, 2016 with an additional fee.


Participation fee

100€/team. Late registration 150€/team.

The participation fee for the registration and late registration is paid online using the official registration service.


Team Compositions

The final team compositions shall be registered by Friday August 19th, 2016 no later than 9 p.m. using the registration system or using the form available in the competition office.


Competition office/INFO

The competition office is at Maaniittu school (address: Heikkiläntie 27, Nurmijärvi, the same place as the accommodation) on Friday August 19th, 2016 from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. On Saturday, August 20th from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. the competition office is situated at the competition center.


Punching system

Each team must have at least three Emit cards. The same emit card may not be used by two different teams. Emit cards can be rented from the race organizer for 4 €/card. The sufficient amount of emit cards shall be reserved during the registration process online. The Emit card numbers are not needed in advance, they will be registered into the system when the runners enter the start or changeover area.


Club tents

Club tents can be set up in the competition center on Friday, August 19th, 2016 from 5 p.m. onward. Tents can only be set up on reserved places. The booking of a tent place must be done during the registration process online. The size of the tent place is 5*6 m and the fee is 10€/tent.



Orienteering map 8/2016, scale 1:10 000, contour interval 5 m. The size of the map is A4, and it is in a plastic cover.

Old map and terrain description are available on the competition website.


Forbidden area

The competition area is declared forbidden for competition and training until the 2016 Youth Jukola Relay. The forbidden area is presented on the competition website, as well as in the map register on the Finnish Orienteering Federation’s website.



The terrain is hilly with bare rock at the top of the hills. There are plenty of roads and paths nearby the competition center. The runnability of the terrain varies from fast areas with bare rock to slow areas with cut branches of forest cuttings in young and old forests. The visibility is mainly good.


Guidance to the competition center

The competition center is located at Alhonniittu sport area and surrounding fields.
Guidance to the competition center starts from the Finnish national road no.1311 (Nurmijärvi-Rajamäki –road) approx. 3 km from Nurmijärvi center towards Rajamäki. The drive from Nurmijärvi center to the parking area takes for approx. 5 min. Guiding signs will be on site at 4 p.m. on Friday, August 19th, 2016.



Parking is at the competition center.



The organizer provides accommodation on a hard surface for the night between Friday and Saturday (the hard surface accommodation does NOT include bed, pillow, blanket, or similar). Price for the accommodation is 15€/person/night including breakfast. Evening meals are offered on Friday evening for 5€/meal. The school accommodation and evening meals must be reserved during the registration process. Remember to inform if a special diet is required.

Accommodation is provided at Maaniittu school (address: Heikkiläntie 27, Nurmijärvi). Guidance to the accommodation will be on site (road 1311 at Nurmijärvi) at 3 pm on Friday, August 19th, 2016.

Other accommodation services can be found on the official competition website, Accommodation.



Training packages are offered in terrains similar to the competition terrain. Model trainings will be offered in three different terrains. More information can be found here.



The competition restaurant is located at the competition center. Lunch is served in the restaurant. Remember to request a special diet if needed by August 15th,


Main Officials:

Competition manager Ari Enroth
Chief Course Planner Riitta Karppinen
Information officer Sara Liukkonen +358 40 8313551
Controller (SSL) Tommi Tervakangas +358 40 5447450
Course Controller Tuomo Kauppinen Hyvinkään Rasti


Welcome to Nurmijärvi

Rajamäen Rykmentti, Kaukametsäläiset, Finnish Orienteering Federation (FOF), and Nurmijärvi municipality