Competition Instructions

National Compass Event , INOV-8-League Finals & National
Alastaro Circuit Race Sunday 18/8/2024

Competition rules
The competition rules of the Finnish Orienteering Federation (Suomen Suunnistusliitto) and the
instructions of the organizer must be followed. Spiked shoes are forbidden on all legs. Shoes with
studs are allowed.

Event location, addresses, signage and parking
The competition centre is located on the Alastaro Circuit motor racing track. The navigational
address is Jarno Saarisentie Loimaa. Drive from regional road 41 (Aura-Huittinen) following the
signs to the Circuit ’Moottoriurheilukeskus’. Arrival from any other directions is prohibited. Signage
to the parking starts from Jarno Saarisentie-road, from where it is 1 more minute drive. Signage will
be in place from Friday 16/8/2024 16:00 onwards.
A map with arrival instructions can be fount on the event website.
Parking is at the competition centre and in its direct surroundings. Also bus parking is in the at the
direct surroundings of the competition centre. Parking is free of charge. Directions given by the
organisers must be followed. Part of Jarno Saarisentie-road is closed on the competition day.

Competition materials
Bibs and Emit control tags can be found at the competition centre near the info desk. Bring your
own safety pins to attach the bib. The bib is attached to the breast and all series must wear it. You
may keep your bib afterwards. Rental Emit cards (€ 5,-) can be obtained from Info, where they
must also be returned.

The competitor is responsible for competing with a functional Emit card of which the number is
made known to the organiser beforehand. Test your Emit’s functionality at the 0-control in the
Competition Centre, because competitors of whom the Emit is found dysfunctional by officials at
the Starting Pens will be disqualified. A limited amount of spare rental Emits are available at the
Starting Pens. The Info desk official must be informed of Emit card number changes an hour
before start time at the latest.

Start times 
Start times can be found on the event website, Friday 16/8/2024 from 10:00 onwards.

Start timings:
National Compass Event
H14 10:00 Mass start (Start 3).
D14 10:15 Mass start (Start 3).
H/D10- & 12-series from 10:00 onwards with one minute intervals per series (Start 2).
Chasing start: H16 & D16 from 11:00 onwards.
From 11:15 onwards by interval start for competitors, who don’t have any ranking points before the
finals. (Start 1)
Chasing start: H18 & D18 from 11:10 onwards.
From 11:25 onwards by interval start for competitors, who don’t have any ranking points before the
finals. (Start 1)
National Alastaro Circuit Race
series H/D 21 AL & H/D 35–85 interval start from 11:00 onwards (Start 1)
National competition series H/D21 11:30 Mass start. (Start 1)

Competition Map
Orienteering map 7/2024 . Scale 1:10 000 or 7500, contour distance 5 m . Printed map in a plastic
cover. Map maker: Ari Salonen. The old map of the area can be found on the competition website.

Map scales: 1:10 000, except HD 21 1:15 000, HD 50 and above 1:7 500.
Map sizes: HD 10–12 A5, HD 14 A4, HD 16 A3, others A4 or A3.

In Sunday’s competition, separate control descriptions will be used, except for the categories H/D 10RR, 12TR, 12, 14, and 21. Please bring your own equipment for attaching the control descriptions. In all categories, control descriptions are also printed on the map

Series, distances and amounts of controls

Series Distance (km) Start Controls Series Distance (km) Start Controls
D10RR 2,1/3,1 km 2 7 H10RR 2,1/3,1 km 2 7
D12TR 2,4 km 2 6 H12TR 2,4 km 2 6
D12 3,2 km 2 9 H12 3,3 km 2 9
D14 4,7 km 3 13 H14 5,2 km 3 15
D16 7,3 km 1 16 H16 8,1 km 1 17
D18 8,3 km 1 16 H18 10,3 km 1 19
D21 10,9 km 1 19 H21 14,1 km 1 23
D21AL 4,6 km 1 9 H21AL 8,3 km 1 18
D35 8,3 km 1 18 H35 10,5 km 1 19
D40 7,6 km 1 17 H40 10,5 km 1 19
D45 7,2 km 1 15 H45 10,0 km 1 17
D50 6,6 km 1 12 H50 9,1 km 1 17
D55 5,6 km 1 11 H55 8,2 km 1 18
D60 5,2 km 1 11 H60 7,6 km 1 17
D65 4,6 km 1 9 H65 7,2 km 1 15
D70 4,0 km 1 10 H70 5,6 km 1 11
D75 3,6 km 1 8 H75 5,2 km 1 11
D80 3,1 km 1 8 H80 4,0 km 1 10
D85 3,1 km 1 8 H85 3,1 km 1 8

Off-limits areas

Areas that are off-limits are marked on the competition map using the out of bounds symbol in
route colour. If the marked area has an unbroken contour line, the corresponding edge is marked in
the terrain with an unbroken ribbon. In accordance with orienteering rules, all private gardens are
off-limits (marked in olive green).
The following map snippet is an example of an off-limits area without perimeter ribbon. Many of
these areas – like the one in this example – are basins for artificial groundwater winning. Some of
these maybe completely empty and dry.
As the example suggests, roads and paths passing between these basins may be accessed.

Scattered through the terrain are also other features pertaining to artificial groundwater winning,
that are not marked on the map. Below is a picture of such a feature.

Furthermore some private property borders are marked in the terrain using thick cables at about
one metre height. On the map this cable is represented with the symbol for an unclear fence. So
that it can be seen more clearly, bibs will be attached to the cables in 5-10 m intervals. This cable
may be freely passed under or over. Below is an example picture of such a feature. This pertains in
competition to all series except H/D 10 – 12 .

For the Compass series the distance to the start is 630 m (Start 2), all other series start from the
Competition Centre (Start 1 & 2). Latecomers will not be given a new start time, but late starts are
still possible by registering at the MYÖHÄSTYNEET-sign.

Start 1 Maps will be distributed to Chasing Start series competitors before starting, but the map
may only be opened at starting time.
The Start of the National Alastaro Circuit Race (H/D35-85) is at the same location, but slightly
separated from the Chasing Start. Competitors shall be invited into the starting pen 4 minutes prior
to starting time. The map may be picked up at starting time.

The Mass Start of the National Alastaro Circuit Race (H/D21) is at the same location as the INOV
Chasing Start. Competitors take place in rows according to their bib numbers 4 min before starting
time. Map distribution starts 2min before starting, but the map may only be opened at starting time.
The start signal shall be given by the announcer.

At Start 2 the SSL special rules for children Starts shall be followed. All competitors shall spend 5
minutes in the starting pens prior to starting time, which gives plenty of time to study the map,
check whether the participant is in the correct starting position, reset the Emit card and – for the
younger age groups – receive instructions from an official. The K-point of Start 2 is at the start
itself. Starting from 10:00 onwards with one minute intervals per series.

At Start 3 competitors shall arrive at the starting area through resetting. H14 from 9:45 onwards,
D14 from 10:00 onwards immediately after the boys’ start. Competitors take place in rows of 10
ordered according to bib number, 4 min before starting time. Map distribution starts 2min before
starting, but the map may only be opened at starting time. The start signal shall be given by the
announcer. Series H14 starts at 10:00 and D14 starts at 10:15.
Finish punching is in use. Competitors are solely responsible for punching at Finish. The Finish
closes at 15:00 . Rental Emit cards must be returned to info immediately. An unreturned Emit is
billed € 80,- .

In Series HD12 a criss-cross route is in use. Pay close attention to the controls’ order.

Additional Information for the String Courses
String courses have been marked with a continuous white plastic ribbon over the ground. This
ribbon has been marked in orange on the map. Whenever the ribbon follows a path or road, it is
drawn next to it on the map. The competitor does not have to follow the plastic band.
The controls of the RR courses are marked on the map with order numbers, and in the terrain the
corresponding numbers RR1, RR2 etc… are marked at the control. The TR courses have normal
control numbering. In the TR courses, the control descriptions are given on the map only.
There may be other than RR- or TR-controls in the direct vicinity of the ribbon, so please carefully
check the control number before punching. A wrong punch doesn’t matter, as long as you also
punch all required controls in the right order. In RR classes each missing punch adds 10 minutes to
the finishing time, but the competitor will not be disqualified.

Diamond shaped forking
Diamond shaped forking is used in the H/D14 series. Please pay close attention to the correct
control order.


Finish, last control and drinking
All series end at the same Finish via the same final control. The final control has number 136 and
RR7 . You may punch at either of these, regardless your series. Finish punching is required. The
competitor is personally responsible for punching at Finish. The finish closes at 15:00.
For series, of which the route distance is more than 7 km, there are 1 – 2 drinking spots in the
terrain; these are marked on the map.

There is GPS-tracking in the Finals of the INOV-8-league. The list of GPS-tracked competitors will
be published on the competition website by 16/8.
GPS-vests and -devices will be distributed in the competition centre, near the Finish. Vests and
devices shall be recollected immediately after finishing. It is permitted to use your own GPS-vest.
Please reserve sufficient time to pick up the device!
The use of screen-equipped GPS devices in competition is forbidden.
GPS-following of top competitors will be shown on the screens in the competition centre. Competitors in the H/D 16–18 series are forbidden to follow this broadcast and thereby possibly benefit from it, prior to their own performance.

Dropping out

Drop-out competitors must return from the forest through Finish in a normal way, and announce
drop-out at the Finish. In order to prevent unnecessary search operations, it is not permitted to
leave the forest without announcement to officials.

Map returns
Maps are not collected at Finish. It is prohibited to show the competition map – or to tell about it –
to departing competitors.

Changing, shower and WC
There are no separate changing rooms at the competition centre. Showering is under field
circumstances. At the competition centre ant at the changeover pens are WC’s. It is strictly
forbidden to wear studded shoes indoors.

Results and prizes
As the competition develops, results shall be published in the online result service. Official results
and control times shall also be published on the competition website afterwards.
The prizegiving ceremony starts at 13:00. The announcer shall let you know about any possible
schedule changes.

In the personal series of the Compass Event the three best in each series shall be awarded a
trophy and the first through seventh positions with honorary awards. Additionally, the best regional
team in the Golden Compass Series and the best regional team of the entire Compass Event shall
be awarded trophies.

The regional competition
Besides the personal competitions, also regions compete between each other for supremacy.
Golden Compass Series. Besides their personal competition, competitors in the Golden Compass
Series have their own regional team competition. Results are calculated as the combined points of
the region’s three best girls and boys. The winning region shall receive the Compass Trophy in its
possession for one year.

The common regional competition
Every participant has the possibility to collect points for his or her own regional pot. The 40 best
runners of each series may earn points. Results for the regional competition are calculated by
summing up the points of each region’s three best participants for the gold-, silver- and bronze
series. The winning region receives the compass cup for a year.
Trophies shall be distributed as part of the prizegiving ceremony.

In the INOV-8-league the three best in each series (chasing start) shall be awarded. Additionally,
the fastest runners of the day in each series shall be awarded.
In the Compass- and sTRing course series every competitor shall receive a participation prize.

Numbers of awarded competitors in the Alastaro Circuit Race series:
H/D 12TR the three best
H/D 21 the three best: Invenir Oy prize stipends € 500, € 300 and € 150. Stipends shall be paid to
the competitor’s club.
In all other sereis the winner shall be awarded.
Of the Compass Event, INOV-8-league and the Alastaro Circuit Race, the prizes for the H/D 12TR
and H/D21 series shall be distributed on the platform according to the instructions of the
announcer. All other prizes of the Alastaro Circuit Race can be picked up at Info after the results
have been published.

The info desk at the competition centre opens at 8:00 . Remarks concerning departure lists and
results are welcome at the Info desk. Also issues regarding Emit cards are handled at Info.

First aid
There is a first aid station in the competition centre, which is marked with singnage, and can also
be found on the competition centre map. In case of an emergency, one should call the emergency
number (112). In previous years there have been wasp nests on the ground, so allergic
competitors are recommended to bring their own medicine with them.

Open fire as well as gas- and petrol- fuelled and Trangia stoves and smoking are prohibited in the
Competition Centre.
There is a road between the competition centre and the parking lot. Beware of possible traffic when
crossing the road.
At the time of the Youth Jukola, a motorbike training is organised on the circuit. You may view this
only from the tribune at the racing track. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Accessing the tracks or crossing the restricted area ribbon is prohibited.

There are two restaurants at the competition centre. A meal will cost € 12,- when bought on the
spot or € 10,- in advance from the registration system. In the competition centre meal vouchers are

sold at the restaurants. All food is lactose free. Milk free and gluten free meals are available upon
request. Restaurants are open from 10:45 to 16:30.
In addition to the restaurants, a café and a sausage kiosk can be found at the event arena. The
cafe opens at 9 o’clock.
You can pay cash, with a bank card or with MobilePay.
Control maze and baby sitting
There is no baby sitting tent. In the competition centre is a control maze that opens at 10 o’clock.
Children may participate in accompaniment with an adult.

Lost & Found
Please bring found objects to the Info desk, where lost objects can be requested and are handed
over upon description of characteristics. After the competition lost objects can be requested by e-
mail through .

Officials and Contact Information
Event Director Minna Seppänen, seppanen.minna(at), 040 583 8198
Course Setter Matti Ylitalo, matti.ylitalo(at), 0500 534 055
Publicist Ilkka Nokka, ilkkanokka(at), 040 665 1074
Course Controller Markus Salo

Referee board