Competition Instructions

39th Youth Jukola
Saturday 17.8.2023, Loimaa
Lauttakylän Luja, Loimaan Jankko, Rasti 88


The Youth Jukola is a 7-leg international youth orienteering competition for club teams. Participation in different legs is limited to competitors who belong to the series mentioned in the Legs & courses-table below.

Combined teams may be formed if a club otherwise could not find enough competitors to form a team. A combined team may also be formed from schools or youth organizations of the same county. Also regarded as a combined team is a team in which, if permission from the TA is obtained, a boy runs a girl-leg or a girl runs a boy-leg. When forming such teams must be kept in mind that these will not compete for top rankings, but that these are formed for the purpose of enabling as many children and youth to participate in the competition. Clubs that have made a youth agreement are not combined teams.

Leg-specific age and gender requirements apply to all teams.

The organizer forms combined teams of the individual orienteers who have listed themselves in the Orienteer Bank.

Competition rules

The competition rules of the Finnish Orienteering Federation (Suomen Suunnistusliitto) and the instructions of the organizer must be followed. Spiked shoes are forbidden on all legs. Shoes with studs are allowed.

The competition is organised by Lauttakylän Luja, Loimaan Jankko and Rasti 88. Background organisations are Suomen Suunnistusliitto and Kaukametsäläiset ry.

The final event programme will be published on the event website on thursday 15/8/2024 .

Event location, addresses, signage and parking

The competition centre is located on the Alastaro Circuit motor racing track. The navigational address is Jarno Saarisentie Loimaa. Drive from regional road 41 (Aura-Huittinen) following the signs to the Circuit ’Moottoriurheilukeskus’. Arrival from any other directions is prohibited. Signage to the parking starts from Jarno Saarisentie-road, from where it is 1 more minute drive. Signage will be in place from Friday 16/8/2024 16:00 onwards.

A map with arrival instructions can be fount on the event website.

Parking is at the competition centre and in its direct surroundings. Also bus parking is in the at the direct surroundings of the competition centre. Parking is free of charge. Directions given by the organisers must be followed. Part of Jarno Saarisentie-road is closed on the competition day.


The info desk at the competition centre is open on 16.8.2024 17–21 as well as on the event day itself from 8:00 onwards.

Competition materials

Competition materials can be picked up in club bundles, either on Friday 17.00–21.00 or on Saturday from 8:00 onwards, at the info desk in the event arena, and must be signed for. Only clubs that have paid all dues will receive the materials. Any unpaid balance can be paid at the Info desk.

Competition materials include bibs, map return tag, coach card, pre-ordered food vouchers, Emit-control tags, and possibly rental Emits, among others. Bibs will not be re-collected. The club representative separately signs for rental Emit-cards when picking up the materials. Unreturned Emit cards are billed € 80 / card.

N.B. club materials don’t include safety pins.

Legs & courses

Leg distances include approx. 520 m of marked route. All legs except leg 3 include forking.


Leg Series Distance Controls Duration Expected changeover time
1 D16 5,1 km 10 30min 11:30
2 H/D16 5,9 km 13 30min 12:00
3 H/D14 2,8 km 5 14min 12:14
4 D14 4,0 km 9 23min 12:37
5 H/D14 4,1 km 10 21min 12:58
6 D18 5,6 km 14 33min 13:31
7 H/D18 7,0 km 15 34min 14:05
Total   34,5 km


All legs go through the spectator control point near the event arena, except leg 3. The viewpoint near the spectator control is marked on the event arena map.

Competition Map

Orienteering map 7/2024, scale 1:10 000, contour interval 5 m. Printed map, size A4 in a plastic cover. Map maker: Ari Salonen. The old map of the area can be found on the competition website.

Competition Terrain

The competition terrain is largely runnable woodland, with an extensive network of recreation routes and paths. Overall visibility and runnability are very good. Of course some areas of dense trees or thicket may locally be encountered as well. Height differences are mild. Access to some areas is restricted because of artificial ground water winning.

Off-limits areas

Areas that are off-limits are marked on the competition map using the out of bounds symbol in route colour. If the marked area has an unbroken contour line, the corresponding edge is marked in the terrain with an unbroken ribbon. In accordance with orienteering rules, all private gardens are off-limits (marked in olive green).

The following map snippet is an example of an off-limits area without perimeter ribbon. Many of these areas – like the one in this example – are basins for artificial groundwater winning. Some of these maybe completely empty and dry.

As the example suggests, roads and paths passing between these basins may be accessed.


Scattered through the terrain are also other features pertaining to artificial groundwater winning, that are not marked on the map. Below is a picture of such a feature.

Furthermore some private property borders are marked in the terrain using thick cables at about one metre height. On the map this cable is represented with the symbol for an unclear fence. So that it can be seen more clearly, bibs will be attached to the cables in 5-10 m intervals. This cable may be freely passed under or over. Below is an example picture of such a feature. In the relay this pertains only legs 6-7.


Start and K-point, marked route

The start of the relay is on the road next to the competition centre. The marked route from Start and changeover to the K-point is about 280 m. Marked route from the last control to the changeover/Finish is about 240 m.


Control points are marked in the terrain with an orange-white control flag. In some areas controls are very close to each other. Remember to check the code!

Online controls are used on all legs. A model control point can be found in the competition centre, where your emit-card’s functionality can also be tested.

Control Descriptions

Symbolic control descriptions are printed on the map. Course printover includes control follow-up numbering, which are not followed by control codes for lack of space. Control codes can be found in the control descriptions. Users of screen-equipped Emit-cards must be aware that the number of the punch block is not necessarily the same as the control code.

Coach lane on legs 3–5

Along the marked route to the K-point is a coach lane, where the team’s coach may advise 3-5 leg departing runners about their route planning. The coach lane is only accessible with a coach card, through registration. See the competition centre map.


Bibs must be worn on all legs. The bib must be firmly attached to the front side of the competitor’s shirt. Use your own safety pins. The bib is equipped with a barcode that mus remain scanable until registration in the start- or changeover pens.

Competition Cards and Punching System

In this competition the Emit punching system will be used. Control tags are distributed as part of the team materials. Write your team number, leg number and emit card number. The Emit card will be reset and it’s serial number will be noted in the results database when entering the start- or changeover pens. A team must have at least three Emit Cards. A single Emit Card may not be used in two different teams or on consecutive legs in the same team.

If your emit card is dysfunctional when entering the start- or changeover pen, the organisers shall provide you with a rental card. Also competitors entering the mass start for late teams shall receive a rental emit card.

After accomplishing the course, the card must be returned to the info desk, where also the rental fee of € 5,- /card shall be paid and your own card shall be returned to you. A penalty of € 80,- shall be paid for an unreturned emit rental card.

Running Order

The team’s final running order need to be submitted by Friday, 16.8.2024 at 14.00 through the online registration portal.

After this, well justified changes to the running order may be submitted to the info stand in written form by 10:00 on the competition day. Any proposed changes are reviewed and accepted or rejected by the competition’s Technical Advisor.

Start list

The start list is published on the competition website on Thursday 15/8/2024.


The competition starts with a mass start on Saturday 17/8 at 11 o’clock. Emit card registration and resetting for first leg participants starts at 10:30 and closes at 10:50.

After registration and resetting, competitors proceed to the area between start pen and K-point. Participants take place at their respective start positions only following instructions of the announcer. Competitors take place in rows of 10 orienteers per row. Numbering is indicated at the end of each row. Maps will be distributed in competitors’ hands. Every starting orienteer must check that the map has the correct number. The map may not be opened before starting.

Starting proceeds according to the announcer’s instructions. The start signal is given by changing traffic lights from red to green and at the same time the announcer saying: ” AJA”, GO! The start is recorded on video. A team that takes a false start will be disqualified.

There is a WC on the warming up lane.

Drinking spots

There is no water drinking spot in the competition terrain.


The last control before changeover is the same on all legs. From the last control, incoming competitors run along a marked route to one of the changeover pens, according to signage. Punching at the finish- or changeover line is required on all legs.

After the changeover- or finish line punching, competitors must give the map to the officials and other than the seventh leg runners continue to the map stands, where they take the map of the following runner. From the map stand the runner continues to the changeover bar, where he or she hands the map to the following runner of the team, who may then start his or her leg. The maps are numbered by team and leg, and it is the competitor’s responsibility to check that he or she has received the correct map. Teams competing with a wrong map will be disqualified.

If the correct map is not found from the map stand, the competitor must contact an official. The departing competitor will then receive a spare map at the spare map point along the marked route towards the K-point. The time lost when getting the spare map will not be compensated.

Returning competitors exit the changeover and finish line area through Emit download. If all punching data is in order, the competitor may exit the changeover area. In case there are unclarities with punching, the competitor will be referred to the punching checkpoint (instructions below). The relay style changeover will close at 14:40, after which returning teams will be guided straight to download.


From the last control the competitor must run along the marked route, according to signage to the finish bay. Ranking is determined by crossing the finish line.

Ranking for the 31st place onwards is determined by finishing emit punch time (those who finished in relay style). After finishing the competitor proceeds to Download. The Finish closes at 17:00.

Start-, changeover- and finishing routine demonstration

Demonstration of start, changeover and finishing routines takes place at 10.15 by demo runners and announcements.

Restart on legs 2 7

Competitors heading for the restart should register and reset their emit cards and proceed to the changeover pens by 14:40. Changeover closes at 14:40, after which the changeover bar will be opened and all competitors taking part in the restart will proceed to their respective map in the map stands.

The restart will take place at 14:50 by the map stands according to the instructions given by the announcer.

Relay-style changeover ending, restart registration and restart time schedule may change, depending on the winner’s finishing time.

Punching checkpoint

If any unclarities are found at Download, the official will propose disqualification, which is immediately researched at the Punching Checkpoint. If the competitor’s achievement is concluded to be faulty because of a wrong or missing control, or because controls have been punched in the wrong order, the team coach is summoned. Only after this, disqualification is confirmed.

Dropping out and disqualification

Drop-out competitors must come to the changeover and finish in a normal way, and bring the next leg’s map to the team member waiting at the changeover bar. The incoming competitor shall then announce drop-out at Emit download. If the competitor bypasses the changeover or finish for compelling reasons such as injury, he or she should report to download and give the map to the official.

If a competitor has dropped out or has been disqualified, the other orienteers of the team may run their legs in a normal way. However, if a drop-out or disqualified team is less than half an hour behind the leading team, its relay will be put on hold at the changeover until half an hour has passed from the changeover of the leading team.

The map for the next leg of this team will be removed from the map stand, and be replaced with a red form containing the team number and leg number. The incoming competitor should take this form from the map stand and bring it to the following runner at the changeover bar, who will then go to the spare map point, which is located along the marked route towards the K-point. At the spare map point he or she will receive the map and permission to depart when half an hour is gone since changeover of the top team.

GPS Tracking

Top teams will carry GPS tracking devices on legs 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 ja 7. Refusal to carry a tracking device will lead to disqualification of the team. GPS carrying vests are to be picked up from the GPS tent on Saturday from 10 o’clock onwards. The team number should be shown to the organiser when picking up the vests. The actual GPS device will be mounted in the vest before entering the registration tent at the start- or changeover pens.

After performance the devices are collected when exiting the download tent. At the first leg, GPS-devices will be given to the 20 teams that are announced on the competition website the week prior to the event. For the following legs, additional teams may be given a device. These additional teams will be informed by the announcer. The organiser has the right to change the selection of GPS-followed teams during the competition.

Live Web-TV-Broadcast

The Live TV-broadcast can be seen on screens in the competition centre, on IS-TV and Ruuttu, as well as on YouTube afterwards. It is recommended to follow the broadcast on the competition centre screens.

Orienteer Bank

Orienteers looking for a team may register themselves in the Orienteer Bank through the regular online registration portal.
Orienteers can be reserved from the orienteer bank until 9:50.
After this, the organizer will form combined teams at the info desk of orienteers still in the Orienteer Bank. The participation fee for orienteers of such teams is 20 €/person.
These combined teams will receive their team material and pay the participation fee at the information desk.
Full combined teams may start normally in the mass start. If a team has no starting competitor, its participants will start at the restart at 14:50.
It is not possible to register at the info desk for the orienteer bank.

Changing, shower and WC

There are no separate changing rooms at the competition centre. Showering is under field circumstances. At the competition centre ant at the changeover pens are WC’s. It is strictly forbidden to wear studded shoes indoors.

First aid

There is a first aid station in the competition centre. In case of an emergency, one should call the emergency number (112). In previous years there have been wasp nests on the ground, so allergic competitors are recommended to bring their own medicine with them.


The best 15 club teams will be awarded with Youth Jukola medals. The seven best club teams will be awarded with honorary awards. The best team will receive trophy of Youth Jukola for one year and a miniature trophy for good. In addition, the best combined team receives an award.

Teams gather for the prize-giving ceremony near the celebration platform in order according to their results, following organisers’ instructions no later than 15:15.

The awards will be given during the closing ceremonies at 15.30. This ceremony may be held earlier in the event the competition is ended earlier.

Prize-winning teams should follow the announcements. Teams proceed to the platform in reverse order, according to the announcer’s and organisers’ instructions.

Youth Jukola Trophy

Rules of the Youth Jukola Trophy

  • Teams compete for the trophy of Youth Jukola Relay donated by OP-Ryhmä (OP Financial Group) for seven consecutive years. The current trophy is used 2021–2027.
  • The trophy will be given to the team which wins the relay with approved performance. The team is obligated to take good care of the trophy, get the relevant engravings to it as well as to bring the trophy to the following year’s relay. The club will receive a separate miniature trophy for good.
  • Trophy challenging points will be given from 2021 to 2027 for best 15 club teams as the following:
    • Winning team will get 25 points and the following places 20–15–12–11–10–9–8–7–6–5–4-3–2–1 points.
    • If there are two or more teams from the same club in the top 15, only the best team of those will get the points. The unshared points will be given to the next best team.
  • In 2027, after seven competitions, the club that has achieved the highest total number of points in five competitions between 2021 and 2027 will receive the trophy. If more than one club has achieved the same points, the winner is the one with the most wins. If the win is not decided this way, then the one with most second places in addition to wins, then third places, etc.

Map collection and route gadget

After the late mass start at 14:50, maps will be returned to the team at the Info desk upon signing. The return maps include competitor’s route maps as well as a map with all controls. The route gadget will be opened after the Sunday competition. Competitors are asked to draw their route in the route gadget.


There are sports goods sellers and exhibition points in the competition centre.


There are two restaurants at the competition centre. A meal will cost € 12,- when bought on the spot or € 10,- in advance from the registration system. In the competition centre meal vouchers are sold at the restaurants. All food is lactose free. Milk free and gluten free meals are available upon request. Restaurants are open from 10:45 to 16:30.

In addition to the restaurants, a café and a sausage kiosk can be found at the event arena. The cafe opens at  9 o’clock.

You can pay cash, with a bank card or with MobilePay.


There is a water tap in the competition centre. Nonetheless, make sure you have sufficient water with you.


Open fire as well as gas- and petrol- fuelled and Trangia stoves and smoking are prohibited in the Competition Centre.

There is a road between the competition centre and the parking lot. Beware of possible traffic when crossing the road.

At the time of the Youth Jukola, a motorbike training is organised on the circuit. You may view this only from the tribune at the racing track. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Accessing the tracks or crossing the restricted area ribbon is prohibited.

Club tents

Club tents must be set up in the designated spaces, according to the prior reservations. A map with club locations will be published on the competition website. Extra tent space can be reserved from the info desk, if there are any more left.

All tents must be anchored sufficiently safely so to remain standing in the event of extreme weather. Anchoring should in the first place be done according to the manufacturer’s instructions. You could use for example weights, fixed poles or stakes. Please be aware that you may have to increase anchoring during an extreme weather event, or even take the tent down.

If you have a club tent at the Event Arena, you may leave it standing until your departure on Sunday afternoon 18/8/2024.  It is prohibited to stay overnight at the Event Arena.

Training maps

Training maps can be bought in accordance with the instructions on the competition website.

Cleanliness and litter

Littering in the competition terrain is prohibited. All trash is to be sorted and disposed of in recycling bins.

Control maze

In the competition centre is a control maze that opens at 10 o’clock. Children may participate in accompaniment with an adult.

Lost & Found

Please bring found objects to the Info desk, where lost objects can be requested and are handed over upon description of characteristics. After the competition lost objects can be requested by e-mail through .

Officials and Contact Information

Event Director Minna Seppänen, seppanen.minna(at), 040 583 8198
Course Setter Matti Ylitalo, matti.ylitalo(at), 0500 534 055
Publicist Ilkka Nokka, ilkkanokka(at), 040 665 1074
Technical Advisor Mika Kantola  , kuntsi.kantola(at), 040 738 1901
Course Controller Markus Salo


Referee board




