Jukola-account – use of data

What does sharing my information with a club mean?

By selecting one or more clubs in your Jukola account management page, you share your information to the person who is taking care of your teams’ registration. If you select clubs, the contact person will see your name and e-mail address in the registration system. This will speed up the work of your club’s contact person.

How long does it take for my information to start appearing to the contact person of my club?

A few minutes. Once you have chosen to be available to a club, it takes about 1-3 minutes to transfer the information to the registration system.

Why can’t my club be found in the list of available clubs? How do I get a club on the list?

If no club is offered here when you type the name of the club, that club name is not yet listed.

This only happens when the club is signing up for the relay for the very first time. In such a case a new club must first be registered through the registration system.

When adding a new club through the registration system, accepting a club is made manually in the Jukola office, so it can sometimes take some time to approve a new club. For example, the office may not be accepting new clubs during the weekends.

As long as the new club has not been approved in the registration system, the name of the club will of course not appear in the club listing of the Jukola account either.