The Message of Jukola viesti 2012


The novel by our national author Aleksis Kivi telling the story of the seven brothers of Jukola includes many proverbs and expressions that still live on among the Finnish speakers.

One of these famous proverbs and expressions is the quote by the eldest brother Juhani, who – while struggling to learn to read – declared: “Hard work wins out over even the worst luck.”.

We, the orienteers of Valio-Jukola, realize the importance of perseverance and hard work, as our sport requires a great deal of tenacity and strong belief in our own capabilities. That is why we wish to direct our message to Suomalaisen Työn Liitto (The Association for Finnish Work), famous for its Avainlippu-products, which is celebrating its centenary anniversary this year.

With the message carried through the summer night, on the demanding terrain of Sipoonkorpi Nature Reserve characterized by rugged cliffs and dense spruce forests, we wish to congratulate Suomalaisen Työn Liitto for the work it has done and will do to promote the Finnish work and production.

Vantaa, 17th June 2012

The orienteers of Valio-Jukola

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