Chief Executive Officer of the Forest Administration, Mr. Jyrki Kangas, as the protector of Valio-Jukola

Chief Executive Officer of the Forest Administration, Mr. Jyrki Kangas, has promised to act as the protector of Valio-Jukola relay race which is taking place next summer. He was invited for the position in the end of September 2011.

When organising Jukola relay race the objective is to find on yearly basis nationally important persons who could act as the protector of the Jukola relay race. The Forest Administration is a contributor to versatile recreational utilization of the forests and therefore an important partner for both orienteers as well as for Jukola relay. In addition, the headquarters of the Forest Administration is located in Tikkurila, Vantaa, only about four kilometers from the Valio-Jukola competition centre, Hakunila sport park.

Valio-Jukola relay takes place to most part in the forest administered by the Forest Administration. The competition terrain consists also a recently established national park of Sipoonkorpi. Thus precise planning and environmental consideration have been important starting points for the preparation of the competition.

“The Forest Administration has a profound relationship with orienteers who are known to be responsible, first class utilizers of the nature. I am pleased to be invited to act as the protector of such a large and traditional event”, states the Chief Executive of the Forest Administration, Mr. Jyrki Kangas.

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