First Aid Team Knows the Jukola Relay

First Aid Team Leader Timo Koivumäki

Scrapes, blisters, and sprains are typical injuries that keep the Jukola finish line first aid team busy. This experienced group has attended numerous Jukola relays, and their cooperation runs smoothly.

Timo Koivumäki from Turku serves as the leader of the Lakia-Jukola 2024 finish line first aid team. His team consists of around twenty health care professionals. As the name suggests, the team assists those who have finished with minor injuries. There is a separate field first aid team for injuries that occur in the terrain. The main first aid area serves the entire event. The finish line first aid team also supports the main first aid team, especially with night shifts.

Koivumäki considers Jukola a magnificent event. Even though the race weekend is filled with work, he and his team are happy to continue the volunteer tradition in future Jukola relays. Koivumäki is pleased that they will at least be seen in Kotka. Before that, however, they need to successfully complete Lakia-Jukola 2024 and recharge their batteries properly.
