Each year some teams from far abroad participate in Jukola relay. This year there are some teams for instance from Ethiopia, Australia and Hong Kong. From Turkey two teams participate in Jukola relay.
Turkish team Istanbul Orienteering Grubu enjoyed their time at the competition centre in Kauhava on Friday. They have already spent five days in cottage accommodation nearby.
“These days have been like a dream. This is a special moment in our lives and we will always remember these days”, said first-leg-runner Hasan Akdogan next to the Jukola gate on Friday.
According to the team’s own knowledge, there has not been a team from Turkey in Jukola relay for years. Now, in addition to them, there is also another Turkish team Jandarma.
Turkish team does not consist of just random lay orienteers. The team members have years of experience in the sport and many of them also teach orienteering to young people. For instance Hasan Akdogan has coached the junior national team of Turkey. Many of the team members are currently involved in national team activities.
“Orienteers in Turkey follow our team closely here. We hope that next year there will be, for example, 5-7 teams from Turkey and the following year 10-12”, says Ibrahim Talha Ozdemir, who manages the sixth leg.
However, the willingness to participate depends a bit on the need for a visa and the costs of the trip.
On Thursday, the team got a feel for the bare rock terrain of South Ostrobothnia in Susivuori training location. The terrain differed significantly from what the team members are used to.
“Here in the exercise, we had about 60 climb metres yesterday. In Turkey, there can be a thousand in a long race,” says Ibrahim Talha Ozdemir.
However, the team is pleased that their terrain bank from Finland is increasing.
“Major events of the sport are held in the Nordics, so we want to gather experience of these terrains so that our orienteers can be more successful here in the future”, says Hasan Akdogan.
And what is the team’s goal in Jukola relay? The question is answered by Ahmet Yasin Temel, who runs on the third leg.
“To finish correctly. And enjoy the race!”