Instructions for photographers

There are several photo opportunities for photographers at the competition centre and at control points in the forest. If you wish to participate in the organised shooting tours, you need to wear the Jukola photo vest. The vests are presented at registration to people that indicated that they require a vest in their accreditation application. The vests must be returned at the end of the event.

Information regarding the photo arrangements and practices will be provided in the Media Centre on Saturday at 12.00.  All photographers coming to Jukola should attend this event. Comprehensive information on photo opportunities is also available in the Media Centre.

Phototours consist couple terrain sites and are timed to top orienteering team bypasses. Timings update during competition progress.  Phototour registration lists are present on the Mediacenter bulletin board. Photographers may register for photo tours after they have received their photovests. Photovests are handed over during media check in.

Reminder: Drones are strictly forbidden!