
Lakia-Jukola 2024 training courses

The following table shows all the training courses. After the name of the training, it is stated when it is available. 

All training maps, except, are made by Lakia-Jukola map makers Timo Joensuu and Jussi Silvennoinen.

Training outside the training terrains is prohibited!

Copying training maps is strictly forbidden!

Map / place 

The trainings will open 20.4.2024!

  1. Ritavuori – relay training 6,6km with forking
  2. Simpsiö – 5,8km / 17 controls
  3. Virpimäki – 6,6km / 12 controls
  4. Susivuori – Interval training 5x 1,0km – 1,6km
  5. Porokallio – relay training with forking 3*6,0km
  6. Fräntykallio – Middle distance 4,7km / 14 controls
  7. Yliviitala – prologue 2,2km + 3,7km
  8. Kukkura – model event, All controls -map, total 19 controls

Description and location of trainings

1. Ritavuori

Two different middle distance trainings

The map is located about 17km from the competition centre. A coherent terrain with  a bare rock and small elevation differences.

Map maker Timo Joensuu.

Address: Kauhavantie 540, 62100 Lapua


2. Simpsiö

There are one training on legendary Simpsiö. The map is located about 22km from the competition centre.

Map maker Timo Joensuu.

Address: Urheilumajantie 29, 62100 Lapua.


3. Virpimäki

The map is located about 30km from the competition centre.

Map maker Timo Joensuu

Address: Karistamontie, 62190 Lapua


4. Susivuori

Susivuori map is located just outside of the Lakia-Jukola competition terrain. Interval training 5x 1,0km – 1,6km

Map maker Jussi Silvennoinen

Address: Koivikontie 477, Kauhava

5. Porokallio

Porokallio is one of the best terrains of the area and the map neighbours Jukola’s training ban area.

Relay training 6,0km with forking a, b and c.  Map maker Voitto Erkinheimo.

Address: Koivikontie 758, Kauhava



6. Fräntykallio

Fräntykallio map is located just outside of the Lakia-Jukola competition terrain. Middle distance training 4,7km. Map maker Jussi Silvennoinen.

Address: Alakylä hunting association, Metsola, Vanha sotatie 449, Kauhava

Attention! Moving to practice via the west side of the train track.

7. Yliviitala

The map is located about 15km from the competition centre. Prologue training 2,2km + 3,7km. Map maker Timo Joensuu.

Address: Yliviitalantie 846, 62300 Härmä


8. Model event Kukkura

Map is available from 20.4.2024. Model event is located 3km from the competition centre. All controls map, totally 19 controls.

You can buy model event map also from the competition info from Friday (14.6) at 10.00 to Sunday (16.6) at 15.00. There will be shuttle-bus from competition centre to the model event Fri 14.6. 16.00-22.00 and Sat 15.6. 10.00-18.00. Price: 10€ incl. shuttle bus.




All map scales are 1:10 000, contour interval 2,5 m. Map size is A4. Map files (ocd/PDF) will not be sold to clubs for the making of their own courses.


Controls are marked with a normal control flag, is code numbered and has a Jukola-logo.


Training map price is 7 €/pcs. Model event map 10 €/pcs. All the training maps and model event price 10€/pcs from 14.6 to 16.6.


You can buy training maps from the competition info from 13.6.

When ordering the maps, please provide following information

  1. Contact person name and phone number
  2. which maps are ordered
  3. The number of maps
  4. where do you pick up the maps (ABC Kauhava or ABC Lapua)

The maps must be paid directly after they are ordered, to ensure payment has gone through. If you need an invoice, please contact

Pick up your maps from the ABC-gas station:

  • ABC Lapua, Latojantie 9, 62100 Lapua OR
  • ABC Kauhava, Peltopassi 2, 62200 Kauhava
  • Competition Info from 13.6

You can pick up the training maps at ABC Lapua or ABC Kauhava cash desk after the payment.


Please give us feedback on any issues noticed during your training (for example missing control points etc.). Feedback can be sent to: