The 25 most successful teams of the 70th Jukola Relay were awarded on Sunday morning at the ceremonial award ceremony.
Koovee was awarded as the winner of Lahti-Hollola Jukola 2018. The challenge trophy, “Lukkarin Oppi”, was donated to the winning team by Kaukametsäläiset ry vice president Esko Junttila.
The event ended with a ceremonial pass-on of the Jukola flag. This symbolic gesture passed on the responsibility from Lahti-Hollola to the organizers of Jukola 2019. The flag was received by Kangasala Jukola representatives Hannu Virta and Antti Rantala. The competition manager of Kangasala Jukola Hannu Virta wished everyone warmly welcome to next year’s Jukola Kangasala night.
Photo: Kimmo Hirvonen