It is only a bit over three weeks before Jukola. The atmosphere intensifies and there is a lot of bustle in the training terrains. On the Pentecost morning a Venla team from Sotkamo rumbled in the bottoms of the pits in Kukkolanharju. It was the final practice.
We publish a yet one more route selection task on Jukola website. It is located to eastern part of Rahametsä, which now after the youngsters’ show competition has been released as a practice terrain for Jukola. The terrain is located on the southside of Hälvälä and is very similar to the competition terrain.
The task has been designed by the the veteran of Lahden Suunnistajat -37, Jarno ‘Jape’ Käyhkö. His merits include among other things bringing the LS first to the change point after the first leg in 2005 in Sippu-Jukola. He is known as a very skilled orienteerer.
Olav Lundanes, a Norwegian running in Paimion Rasti and Hannu Airila from Kalevan Rasti have agreed to be the route choice drawers. Both of them are such experienced professionals that they do not require any introductions.