Internal border controls have been discontinued as of 26 July 2021. This means that traffic from EU- and Schengen countries to Finland is allowed without restrictions. All persons arriving in Finland are still bound by the obligations stated in the Communicable Diseases Act.
Border traffic turned to normal concerning All internal border traffic within Schengen countries, which are: Austria, Belgium, The Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. It applies also EU countries that are not a part of the Schengen area. These are Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland and Romania.
Are you arriving to Finland from a low-risk or high-risk country?
If you arrive from a country with a low risk of COVID-19, you do not need to undergo health security measures on entry.
Remember to maintain adequate safety distances, wash your hands and use a face mask in accordance with current recommendations also when arriving from a low-risk country. If you have symptoms indicating COVID-19 before, during or after the trip, go take a COVID-19 test and avoid contact until you receive a negative test result. This helps prevent the spread of COVID-19.
If you arrive from a high-risk country and you were born in 2005 or earlier, you will be subjected to health security measures at the point of entry. Risk countries are all those which have not been deemed countries with the low risk of COVID-19 in the Government decree.
Health security measures on entry into the country
If you were born 2005 or earlier and arrive from a risk country, on entry
- your corona-related certificates may be checked
- you may be tested for covid-19 virus and
- your contact details may be collected.
Under the temporary amendment to the Communicable Diseases Act on entry into the country border officials may check whether you have a certificate of a negative COVID-19 test, proof certifying that you have had the disease and/or a vaccination certificate. Residents of EU countries may present the EU COVID-19 certificate on entry.
When arriving from a risk country with a certificate of an approved full-course COVID-19 vaccination (no less than 14 days from the last dose) or laboratory confirmation of having been infected with COVID-19 within the past 6 months, you do not need to take the COVID-19 test.
If you have a certificate of having tested negative for the coronavirus no more than 72 hours before arrival in Finland or of having received the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine course at least 14 days before arrival in Finland, you will be referred to the test within 3–5 days (72–120 hours) of arrival in Finland.
If you do not have any of the above-mentioned certificates, you will be referred to the COVID-19 test at your point of entry and within 3–5 days of arrival in Finland.
If you have taken a COVID-19 test at your point of entry when arriving from a risk country, you must take another test within 3–5 days of arrival in Finland.
If the point of entry cannot carry out a COVID-19 test, you will need to take the test within 24 hours and again within 72–120 hours (3–5 days) after arrival.
Please note that under the temporary amendments to the Communicable Diseases Act COVID-19 tests are mandatory on entry into Finland. Even if you are not referred to the tests, you are required to take them. The tests are free of charge. If you refuse to take a mandatory COVID-19 test and you are of age, you may be fined.
Please note that, by decision of the communicable disease control physician and on the basis of individual assessment, you can be referred to a health examination or placed in isolation or quarantine regardless of where you are arriving from and how old you are, if these measures are necessary to prevent the spread of the Sars-CoV-2 virus. Furthermore, the Regional State Administrative Agencies can order all passengers to participate in a compulsory health examination (Communicable Diseases Act 2016/1227).
Communicable Diseases Act (Finlex)
When travelling from the border crossing point to your home or accommodation and you are required to take a test within 3–5 days, use your own car or taxi as a first choice. If you are forced to use public transportation, remember to maintain distance from other people, use a face mask and take care of your hand hygiene.
We strongly recommend that you avoid contact when
- you are waiting for a test result at a point of entry or within 3–5 days (72–120 hours) of taking a test at a point of entry and/or
- you are required to go to a COVID-19 test within 3–5 days after arriving in the country.
- If you have dealings with other people, keep a sufficient safety distance and use a face mask according to current recommendations. Follow instructions given by health officials in other respects as well.
External border control continues normally. External border control includes, for example, entry from Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and Turkey. These restrictions are valid until 22 August 2021.
Permitted traffic from outside EU/Schengen area for example Russia and the United States
- Persons with an approved covid-19 vaccination series
- Persons from all countries may enter Finland, provided they carry a certificate of having received a complete vaccination series of an approved covid-19 vaccine before arrival in the country, with the last dose having been administered at least 14 days prior to arrival. A list of vaccines accepted in Finland is provided by the Finnish institute for health and welfare here: Which vaccines are accepted at the points of entry into the country? – Infectious diseases and vaccinations – THL
- Persons who have been infected with the covid-19 virus
- Citizens or residents of other EU or Schengen countries may enter Finland, provided they carry a valid certificate of having had the covid-19 virus less than six months prior to arrival.
- Essential reason
- Special groups(such as representatives of culture, sports and business life)
- Arctic Circle Jukola has received a positive decision of permission of special groups (top200 teams in Kangasala-Jukola 2019) for enterinf to Finland
- Guidelines/instructions for special groups will be published later by the organiser of Arctic Circle Jukola
More information:
Finnish institute for health and welfare: Travel and the coronavirus pandemic
Finnish institute for health and welfare: Vaccination
The Finnish Border Guard advises citizens on border crossing by telephone and email. The service is available in Finnish, Swedish and English on weekdays at 8–16 at 0295 420 100. You can also send questions by e-mail to rajavartiolaitos(at)raja.fi.