Come and train your orienteering skills in Porvoo Borgå Jukolas training terrains. There are several good and challenging training courses. You can order individual or larger quantities of maps by email well in advance. See sections “Prices” and “Sales”.
Training terrains
The training terrains on Google Maps, link / QR-code:
Open training courses
training nr. | place | parking | starts | ends |
8 | Virvik | 60.34718, 25.86624 | 28.4.2023 | 18.6.2023 |
9 | Norike | 60.36656, 2586732 | 28.4.2023 | 18.6.2023 |
10 | Karhukorpi | 60.39265, 25.77638 | 28.4.2023 | 18.6.2023 |
11 | Holken | 60.35694, 25.77833 | 28.4.2023 | 18.6.2023 |
12 | Model event Epoo | Competition parking | 16.6.2023 | 18.6.2023 |
maps from info! |
13 | Karhunkorpi | 60.39265, 25.77638 | 28.4.2023 | 18.6.2023 |
Description and location of trainings
8. Virvik
In Virvik there are two middle distance trainings. Middle 1: 4,7 km and Middle 2: 5,5 km, and a map with all controls.
A coherent forest area with a lot of bare rock and small elevation differences.
The forest floor changes from good to very good. On top of the hills the running speed can be very high, but in the slopes and between the hills are rockier and the running speed slows down a bit.
There are no logging areas on the map.

Virvik middle 1

Virvik middle 2
9. Norike
In Norike there is a long distance training 8 km, and a map with all controls.
The Norike terrain is on the north side of Virvik, but a much more varied terrain. The ground is slower than Virvik and the northern part is mostly cut forest with stony ground. The bare rock areas are technical and fast, especially in the western parts.
10. Karhukorpi
In Karhunkorpi there is a corridor and contour training 10,2 km.
The terrain has already been used a few years and therefore this kind of technical training. There are many slow areas which are mostly avoided. On the contrary to these there are technical hills,
some with lower visibility.
11. Holken
In Holken there is a relay training 5,1 – 5,2 km, with forking a,b,c.
The neighbouring terrain to the competition area describes well the Jukola terrain. There are fast bare rock hills, rocky slopes and demanding greener areas. The ground changes from slow to very fast, so you need to focus on finding the right orienteering rhythm.
13. Karhunkorpi
Relay training, with forkings 1,2,3. And a map with all controls for training 10 and 13 on the same map.
Very similar to the Jukola competition terrain. Fast but tricky bare rock hills, rocky slopes and difficult green areas. Runability changes from slow to very fast, so it’s important to focus on the right orienteering rhythm.
12. Model event Epoo
All controls map. Maps available at the competition info from Friday (16.6) 10.00 to Sunday (18.6) 15.00.
All map scales are 1:10 000, contour interval 5 m. Map size is A4. All training maps are made by Porvoo Borgå Jukola map maker Jussi Silvennoinen and have been updated 2020-2022. Map files (ocd/PDF) will not be sold to clubs for the making of their own courses.
Controls are marked with a normal control flag, is code numbered and has a Jukola-logo.
Training map price is 10 €/pcs. Please order the maps at least one week in advance.
Order the maps by email: toimisto.2023@jukola.com, at least one week before the actual need.
When ordering the maps, please provide following information
- which maps are ordered
- The number of maps
- When and where the maps will be collected
- Invoice address (e-mail address)
The maps must be paid directly after they are ordered, to ensure payment has gone through.
Pick up your maps:
• Ordered and paid training maps can be picked up at Caloniuksenkatu 8, 06100 Porvoo. At the mentioned address you will find a mailbox attached to the wall of a shed/outhouse. In the mailbox you find envelopes with the contact person’s name and inside the envelope are the ordered maps.
• The Jukola office, Raatihuoneenkatu 5, Porvoo is open on Fridays 14.4.-9.6.2023 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., You can buy/pick up maps within the opening hours.
Training feedback
Please give us feedback on any issues noticed during your training (for example missing control points etc.). All training related feedback should be sent to mikael.salo(at)porvoo.fi