Preorder the model for a carbonwise event here
Responsibility, the joy of exercise and wellbeing are the foundations of Porvoo Borgå Jukola. Responsibility is an integral part of orienteering and its values: we are responsible for ourselves, fellow orienteers and nature. Jukola provides a unique opportunity for all participants to experience truly joyful exercise, whether you are part of the international elite or just getting acquainted with the sport. We also believe that time spent in nature and a communal event help foster both mental and physical wellbeing.
Responsibility is a broad concept and thus we wanted responsibility at Porvoo Borgå Jukola to concentrate on a theme adjacent to orienteering. After some brainstorming we settled on the goal of creating a mass event with the smallest carbon footprint possible.
We use the term carbonwise since we aren’t able to carry out a completely carbon neutral event. We are however doing our best to come up with and implement tangible measures on a daily basis – acting in a carbonwise manor, using common sense and with good etiquette. Also, as part of this theme the carbon footprint of the Jukola relay will be measured for the first time in history.
Another goal of ours is to create a guide for action and learning which can be of use when organizing future Jukola relays and other similar events. Jukola cannot be created alone – it requires a vast network of partners. We hope to encourage all public and private sector partners as well as stakeholders to commit to doing their part in creating a carbonwise Jukola.
One key goal is to increase positive awareness and dialogue regarding carbonwise action amongst participants as well as our partners and our own organization. Regarding this we will be organizing a Forest arena event on Friday June 16th 2023.
As part of the Carbonwise Jukola concept a venture under the same name will be carried out in cooperation with Posintra, the local development company in Eastern Uusimaa, as well as Aalto university and the companies participating in creating Jukola.
Perspectives on carbonwisdom
We aim to impact the carbon footprint of the Jukola relay through two approaches: actors and actions.
Actors relates to all the different parties creating and participating in the Jukola relay. Simply put we try to reflect upon and find solutions for the organizers, partners and participants can contribute to minimizing the carbon footprint through their own choices and actions.
Actions relates to tangible measures that we can impact. Practically speaking this means that we are looking for ways to decrease the carbon footprint of Jukola, increase carbon negativity and especially to create a guide for action and learning to use in the future.
Carbowise Jukola project will create and pilot a sustainable and carbonwise learning and operating model for a public mass event. This will be done together with the companies and partners involved in the project. The operating and learning model will be concretized and tested at the Porvoo Jukola event i June 2023. The project will reduce the carbondioxide emissions caused by Porvoo Jukola event by prioritizing and selecting the key activities and measures that can be most effectively achived by developing the target.
The project will be implemented in cooperatin between the development company Posintra OY, the orienteering club OK Trian and Aalto University during 2022 and 2023.
Join us in creating Carbonwise Jukola!
See official projectsite here.