The Jukola message urges to protect the Baltic Sea
According to tradition, one member of the winning Jukola team reads the Jukola relay message. This year Emil Svensk from Stora Tuna OK had the honour to present the orienteerers’ message:
“Finland’s national author Aleksis Kivi describes our country’s nature with tender words in his novel Seven brothers.
“Spring had come, the snowdrifts had melted; the winds blew mild; the earth began to
blossom and the birchwoods to put on leaves.”
Sustainability, the joy of exercise and well-being are the basis of Porvoo Borgå Jukola. Protecting nature and preserving Finland’s beautiful nature for future generations is one of our most important responsibilities.
The Baltic Sea is the world’s youngest sea. The Baltic Sea is also one of the world’s most sensitive and polluted seas. We have carried our message through the bright night of the ever intensifying summer, near the Gulf of Finland and on the rocks of Epoo, greeting all parties working for protecting the Baltic Sea and in hope of encouraging everyone to take care of fulfilling our responsibilities.”
The message was received by three organisations that all work for a cleaner Baltic Sea: the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation, the John Nurminen Foundation, the Baltic Sea Action Group and the association Keep the Archipelago Tidy.
Text: Mikael Grönroos Picture: Micki Kulju