In the Jukola and Venla relays, the correct running of the course is verified by the Emit stamping system.
The team must have at least four (4) working Emit cards for the Jukola relay and at least three (3) for the Venla relay. The same card may be used for both the Venla and Jukola relays. The same card may not be used in consecutive legs or by different teams in the same relay.
Please note that it is recommended to use Emit devices that are less than 5 years old.
The Emit device has warranty of five years and it is therefore advisable to race with an Emit that is still under warranty. With an older Emit, the race may be compromised due to the device not working.
In the summer heat, the battery of an older Emit may well crack, and it is unfortunate to find out at the finish line that your performance has been rejected because no stamps can be found.
You can rent an Emit device from the race info to replace a non-functioning one, the rental fee is 40 €. Emit devices are available for sale in the Suunnistajankauppa.