In Lukkari-Jukola 2022 we launch a new personal Jukola-account. Already now it enhances event safety and in the future it will provide Jukola-goers with better personal service.
Registering to this new account is compulsory for all those people, who are the contact persons for their club/organisation. Those people who were the contact person for a club/organization for Napapiiri-Jukola should have received detailed instructions on how to register to Jukola-account on Thursday November 18th. If you feel like you should have received such a message but haven’t seen it, also check the trash-box and “offers”. If the e-mail is nowhere to be found, send an e-mail to address toimisto.2022@jukola.com (Jukola office).
We do recommend that everyone who is participating in Venla or Jukola relay registers to a Jukola-account. Instructions for registration and more information can be found here